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How to Make Mewing EASY (Get Better Results)

Mewing can be difficult. In a sense, your tongue has a natural resting posture that it defaults to when you are not paying attention to it. The reality is, we spend most of our time not conscious of our tongue posture. How can we make it so that we are improving our tongue posture day after day, to see results in the long term?

Australian Dentist Dr Shehab Faragallah is a holistic dentist and the owner of Gold Coast Holistic Dental Care. He is also the co-founder of Myospots.

He asked me to try Myospots for myself, and potentially make a video about how it works if I would recommend it to people subscribed to our channel.

The answer? Definitely YES. Myospots are a great way to train your tongue to sit in a better position on your upper palate. I have been using them, and seen great results in terms of my resting tongue posture, my breathing, and my facial appearance and jaw.

I highly recommend those interested give them a try!

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