What do Myospots do?

Myospots are a unique and popular new tool for tongue elevation exercises that can treat mouth breathing fast. Myospots exercise the tongue by adhering to the roof of the mouth. People can touch their tongue to the Myospot, to train the tongue to elevate and rest on the roof of the mouth in the proper position.

Are Myospots safe to use?

Myospots are made of safe and natural ingredients. The product is designed in Australia by Myospots Australia Pty LTD and is manufactured by Acino Pharma in Switzerland under European GMP. Myospots are listed as class-1 medical device with Australian Register for Therapeutic Goods (ARTG-326829) and have a European GPSD (General Product Safety Directive) certificate.

Where can I buy Myospots?

You can buy Myospots from our online store. We ship our product to customers all over the world.

You may also check our distributors list to see if we have a local distributor in your country.

How long does it take for my order to arrive?

Shipping varies depending on your location. Within Australia, it usually takes 3-5 business days from ordering to delivery.

What is the most popular Myospots flavour?

Our most popular flavour is definitely strawberry. However, it is all about your preference, and if you are allergic to one of our fruit flavours we recommend using a different flavour as we use natural fruit flavours in Myospots.

Can I eat and drink while the spot is on?

After about 10 minutes of the application of the spot, it becomes tightly fixed to the palate. Drinking after that point of time while the spot is in place is not a problem, but chewing food could result in the spot falling off.

Can I sleep while the spot is on?

Myospots must be totally dissolved before sleeping. We DO NOT recommend leaving the spot attached during sleep to avoid accidental swallowing of the spot.

How long does it take for a Myospot to dissolve?

When used correctly, the Myospot takes 50 minutes to dissolve completely.

What are Myospots made of?

The main composition of Myospots is a mixture of Algae agar, cellulose gum and xanthan gum. In addition, there are small concentrations of the following: stevia (sweetener), natural fruit essential oil (banana, blueberry or strawberry), natural colour and a safe preservative (potassium sorbate) to protect the product against microbial growth. The yellow colour in the banana-flavoured spots is (Carthamus Concentrate), the blue colour in the blueberry-flavoured spots is (Spirulina Blue) and the red colour in strawberry-flavoured spots is (strawberry anthocyanin). There is no gluten, soy, nuts or dairy products in composition.

What if the Myospot doesn't stick properly?

Myospots are not sticky, they attach to the roof of your mouth by absorbing moisture and ‘glueing’ on naturally, rather than using a synthetic glue or adhesive.

To make sure the spot adheres properly please try the following:

  • Take a sip of water before using the spot
  • Moisten the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue for a few seconds
  • Apply the spot by holding it against the roof of the mouth for a few seconds
  • Over 3-4 minutes, the adhesion will get stronger and it will become tightly adhered to the palate.

Do Myospots contain sugar?

No there is no sugar in Myospots. The sweetener used is stevia, which is a low-calorie natural substitute for table sugar.

Can I chew Myospots?

While they are not designed for chewing, Myospots are dissolvable and safe for consumption.

How many Myospots should I use daily and for how long?

We recommend that tongue exercises are done over a period of at least 12 weeks. In the first week, you can start with just one spot daily to get used to the exercise and to gradually change your tongue. Then you can increase it to two spots per day in week 2, and 3 spots in week 3. Then from week 3 to week 12, use 3 spots and do 3 exercise sessions every day.

The tongue is a muscle, and like all other muscles, it needs to exercise regularly to maintain strength and preserve the tongue elevation habit. So after the initial training period, we advise that you exercise once daily to make sure that the improvements you achieved are preserved at the same level.

It is always important to consult your doctor/health care provider or myofunctional therapist to advise you on both the optimal frequency and total period required for best results.

Why do some Myospots crumble?

Myospots are designed to soak up moisture to adhere to your mouth. If moisture affects them while they are in storage, it can damage their integrity and cause them to crumble. To prevent moisture contamination, try the following:

  • Keep the lid tightly sealed between openings to prevent moisture contamination.
  • When removing Myospots make sure your hands are clean and very dry.
  • Store the bottle in a dry area away from direct sunlight.
  • Try using Myospots pouches to store 5-10 Myospots at a time. This prevents frequent opening and closing of the bottle.
  • Do not shake the bottle vigorously.
  • Avoid picking the spots with your fingers from inside the bottle. Try emptying a single Myospot into the cap.

Why is mouth breathing bad?

Mouth breathing can cause a range of worrying symptoms from snoring to sleep apnea, tonsilitis, bad breath and gum disease.

How can Myospots help with mouth breathing?

Myospots are a unique and popular new tool for tongue elevation exercises that can treat mouth breathing fast. Myospots can help improve the following range of conditions: 


  • Mouth Breathing
  • Snoring
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Bad Night’s Sleep
  • Tongue Thrust
  • Tongue Tie (post-surgery rehab)
  • Dysphagia
  • Digit Sucking in kids
  • Speech Disorders

Does it permanently fix mouth breathing?

Using Myospots 2-3 times daily for a minimum of 3 months is enough to create a long-lasting habit of nasal breathing. However, the tongue is a muscle, and like any other muscle, it needs to exercise occasionally to maintain muscle strength. Therefore, after the initial treatment period, we recommend using Myospots once every day or every second day in order to maintain tongue strength and tongue elevation habit.

How is tongue exercise related to breathing?

Breathing should normally take place through nasal passages, but to have this happen, you need to have a lip-seal habit. This is where the tongue becomes important because if your tongue is in the correct elevated position, it will rest on the roof of the mouth. There it will block the oral airways and make it impossible to breathe through your mouth. This automatically encourages nasal breathing and trains your lips to come together to have a lip-seal. On the other hand, if your tongue is used to resting low in your mouth, there is a high chance for your lips to open and for air to flow through the oral airways, which can lead to a habit of mouth breathing. Retraining your tongue to elevate and rest on the roof of the mouth helps in changing the tongue posture and the creation of a nasal breathing habit that lasts while both awake and asleep.

What happens if I have nasal congestion?

Nasal congestion encourages mouth breathing and low tongue posture. It may be caused by a range of factors, such as an allergy or sickness. In many cases, tongue elevation exercises can encourage nasal breathing and assist in the gradual relief of nasal congestion and reopening of nasal airways. However, severe cases of nasal congestion will require medical intervention. 

What are the advantages of Myospots tongue exercise over the routine tongue elevation exercise?

  1. User convenience: Myospots are sweetened with Stevia, and have nice colours and fruit flavours to make them appealing to both adults and children and to increase user convenience and satisfaction. They can be introduced to kids as a kind of treat rather than a treatment.
  2. Ease of use by users of all ages: Tongue elevation exercise has always been challenging and close guidance is needed to make sure the exercise is being done correctly. With Myospots, things are much easier as the adhered spot guides the tongue to the correct place it needs to rest on.
  3. Better adherence: With Myospots, you do not need to dedicate a specific time for your exercise. All you need to do is to place the spot on the palate and your tongue will do the exercise unconsciously while you are doing your daily routine. Using Myospots, one can practice tongue elevation exercises while reading, driving, working or watching TV.
  4. A standardised exercise: Each spot provides 45-50 min of tongue elevation exercise. Accordingly, by using the prescribed number of spots for the specified period of time you can be more confident of the outcome.
  5. Unconscious exercise: The tongue elevation exercises support the development of a new unconscious habit, where the tongue will naturally begin to sit in the correct position while both awake and asleep.

How do you know if you or your child is a mouth breather?

Click here to take the quiz.

I have multiple allergies. Are Myospots suitable for me?

Myospots do not contain gluten or other allergy-causing proteins, soy or dairy products. So they are suitable for coeliac consumers and those who are allergic to soy, dairy and nut products.

Are Myospots suitable for vegans?

Myospots do not contain animal-derived products. Therefore, they are suitable for vegans.

Can children, babies and infants use Myospots?

We do not recommend the use of Myospots for Infants under 2 years of age. Children under 6 years of age should use the product under adult supervision.

Is this product right for you?

Please click here for the product leaflet. Learn More

What happens if I have nasal congestion?

Nasal congestion encourages mouth breathing and low tongue posture. It may be caused by a range of factors, such as an allergy or sickness. In many cases, tongue elevation exercises can encourage nasal breathing and assist in the gradual relief of nasal congestion and reopening of nasal airways. However, severe cases of nasal congestion will require medical intervention.

Does it permanently fix mouth breathing?

Using Myospots 2-3 times daily for a minimum of 3 months is enough to create a long-lasting habit of nasal breathing. However, the tongue is a muscle, and like any other muscle, it needs to exercise occasionally to maintain muscle strength. Therefore, after the initial treatment period, we recommend using Myospots once every day or every second day in order to maintain tongue strength and tongue elevation habit.

Can Myospots cause muscle pain?

In some cases, especially in adults, the sudden training of the weak tongue muscles can cause tongue muscle fatigue. This can result in pain in the tongue and surrounding tissues.

In this situation, we recommend reducing the number of Myospots to 1 per day at most. When the tongue muscles strengthen, the pain should subside, and you can then increase the number of spots used daily to 2 then 3.

How is tongue exercise related to breathing?

Breathing should normally take place through nasal passages, but to have this happen, you need to have a lip-seal habit. This is where the tongue becomes important because if your tongue is in the correct elevated position, it will rest on the roof of the mouth. There it will block the oral airways and make it impossible to breathe through your mouth.

This automatically encourages nasal breathing and trains your lips to come together to have a lip-seal. On the other hand, if your tongue is used to resting low in your mouth, there is a high chance for your lips to open and for air to flow through the oral airways, which can lead to a habit of mouth breathing.

Retraining your tongue to elevate and rest on the roof of the mouth helps in changing the tongue posture and the creation of a nasal breathing habit that lasts while both awake and asleep.

What are the advantages of Myospots tongue exercise over the routine tongue elevation exercise?

  1. User convenience: Myospots are sweetened with Stevia, and have nice colours and fruit flavours to make them appealing to both adults and children and to increase user convenience and satisfaction. They can be introduced to kids as a kind of treat rather than a treatment.
  2. Ease of use by users of all ages: Tongue elevation exercise has always been challenging and close guidance is needed to make sure the exercise is being done correctly. With Myospots, things are much easier as the adhered spot guides the tongue to the correct place it needs to rest on.
  3. Better adherence: With Myospots, you do not need to dedicate a specific time for your exercise. All you need to do is to place the spot on the palate and your tongue will do the exercise unconsciously while you are doing your daily routine. Using Myospots, one can practice tongue elevation exercises while reading, driving, working or watching TV.
  4. A standardised exercise: Each spot provides 45-50 min of tongue elevation exercise. Accordingly, by using the prescribed number of spots for the specified period of time you can be more confident of the outcome.
  5. Unconscious exercise: The tongue elevation exercises support the development of a new unconscious habit, where the tongue will naturally begin to sit in the correct position while both awake and asleep.

Other inquiries? Let's chat.

Please email us at info@myospots.com