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To stop snoring, you need to learn how to breathe through your nose while you sleep.

That means tongue up, lips sealed and airways open.

We can help with all that.

How to stop snoring, image of person sleeping with lip and nasal tape on.

Snoring happens when your throat vibrates while you sleep. That can happen for many reasons, including smoking, drinking alcohol, being overweight, sleeping on your back or breathing through your mouth.

Most people agree that snoring is annoying, especially for others who are trying to sleep through it!

In recent years, though, we’ve come to learn that snoring is far more than an annoyance. It’s a sign that something is preventing you from breathing properly. Snoring is also linked to a number of health risks, including sleep apnoea or enlarged tonsils.

Learning how to breathe through your nose can help prevent snoring, giving you (and your whole household!) the benefits of a good night’s sleep.

How to stop snoring

To stop snoring, you need to learn how to breathe through your nose while you sleep.

That means:

Tongue up

use Myospots tongue exercise spots

Myospots tongue exercise spots 3 flavours product image

Lips sealed

use Myospots lip tape

Myospots lip tape product image

Airways open

use Myospots nasal strips

Myospots nasal strips product image

The Myospots nasal breathing kit

Combining Myospots nasal breathing products enables you to:

Develop a tongue elevation habit

When your tongue rests against the roof of your mouth it blocks the oral air passage meaning you have to breathe through your nose

Keep your lips together while you sleep

When your mouth stays closed, you have to breathe through your nose

Keep your nasal airways open for easy, uninterrupted nasal breathing

Widening your nostrils promotes good airflow and comfort, meaning you can enjoy a good (and quiet!) night’s sleep.

Tongue exercise spots

Myospots tongue exercise spots product image
Stopping snoring starts with the position of your tongue.

Myospots tongue elevation spots are small, dissovlable pads that adhere to the roof of your mouth, helping to train your tongue to stay up.

Each spot takes at least 45 minutes to dissolve, providing plenty of time to train your tongue into a new habit.

Using 2-3 spots a day for up to 12 weeks helps to create a tongue elevation habit. That’s associated with a lip seal and nasal breathing.

Give it a try! You might be surprised how refreshed you feel once you stop snoring and start getting the oxygen you need to sleep well.

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