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Breathe Easy: How to Stop Breathing Through Your Mouth

Stop Breathing Through Your Mouth

As you know, mouth breathing is more than just an annoying habit. It could lead to a whole host of health problems that could negatively affect your life.

So, you’re keen to replace mouth breathing with the healthier habit of breathing through your nose, but, if you’re like most people, you don’t realise you’re doing it.

On the list of things you need to do today, we’re willing to bet you haven’t added breathe– because breathing comes naturally, you don’t even think about it. 

So if you’re breathing through your mouth without thinking about it, how can we change your habit?

Here we’ll give you 6 simple tips to help you stop mouth breathing and get you breathing through your nose.

But why should I stop breathing through my mouth?

Before we begin, does mouth breathing instead of nose breathing really matter?

In short, yes. It absolutely does matter. For several reasons.

Firstly, your body is designed to breathe through your nose. Unlike your mouth, your nose makes sure the air that’s sent to your lungs is at the optimum temperature and humidity. Your nose also filters toxins and debris, stopping them from getting into your lungs. 

Not only is your nose just better at doing the job, but breathing through your mouth can also come with many health complications like gum disease, tooth decay, sleep disruptions and facial changes to name a few.

Unless you’re sick or exercising (in which case breathing temporarily through your mouth may be necessary to get air to your lungs more quickly), breathing through your nose is the far better option.

So how do we teach ourselves to breathe through our noses?

Practice makes perfect

This might feel silly to start with, but the first step is to practice. Make a conscious habit to be mindful of your breathing. It could help you feel more comfortable breathing through your nose instead of your mouth. The more natural it feels, the easier it’ll be to make it a long-term habit.

You can do this by taking a few deep breaths in through your nose then exhaling slowly, a few times a day, or every time you notice yourself mouth breathing. 

While you’re paying attention to your breath, check in also with the positioning of your tongue. Incorrect tongue posture allows for mouth breathing. Your tongue should rest on the roof of your mouth, close behind your upper front teeth. 

Keep your nose clear

We all know how frustrating it can be to have a blocked or congested nose. It makes it hard to breathe and often leads to mouth breathing. 

Keeping your nose clean and clear can help improve your breathing habits.

You may like to use a decongestant inhaler, saline spray or a nasal rinsing pot to soften mucus and clear your airway.


Did you know that stress can contribute to mouth breathing?

It’s true, stress, panic attacks and anxiety can cause you to breathe quicker and through your mouth. 

If you think stress may be contributing to your mouth breathing, taking part in some stress reduction techniques may help. You might enjoy meditation, deep breathing exercises or yoga to help de-stress and improve your breathing.

Change your pillow

It’s no secret that the position you sleep in has a big impact on your sleep quality, but did you know it can also affect your breathing?

Do you need to stop mouth breathing at night, while you sleep?

Some people find that a bigger pillow that props their head up a little higher than the rest of their body can help to open their airway and decrease mouth breathing.

While we’re on the topic of bedding, make sure your bedding doesn’t cause you allergies that could cause nose blockages, also contributing to you breathing through your mouth when sleeping.


We know exercise is on just about every list as the answer to just about every problem, but hear us out. Exercise can help your breathing in so many ways.

Exercise helps you increase your lung capacity and strengthen your muscles. It has benefits for your immune system, your sleeping patterns, and your stress levels. Exercise also increases your need to breathe deeply, forcing you to use all avenues to take in breath- your mouth and your nose.

This is why regular exercise may be helpful in your bid to breathe through your nose more and through your mouth less.

How Myospots can help

If you’re looking for ways to help you stop breathing through your mouth, Myospots may help.

Myospots is a simple, easy-to-use product that helps you to perform exercises that retrain your tongue to sit in the correct position in your mouth. 

Ideally, your tongue should rest against the roof of your mouth, blocking air from easily entering your airway. To retrain your tongue, you can perform oral exercises to encourage a healthier habit of nasal breathing.

Myospots are small, flavoured pads that adhere to the roof of your mouth. They dissolve after 50 minutes and aim to guide your tongue to the correct position in your mouth.

You can learn more about how Myospots work here.

They come in three tasty flavours. Get started now and buy your first Myospots order here.

*All information is general in nature and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Your healthcare provider can consult with you to confirm if this advice is right for you.


WebMD. (2021). Mouth Breathing. www.webmd.com/oral-health/mouth-breathing



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